“We were really lucky to be able to include Heine’s insights and knowledge on sound branding in a recent Hack-the-Holiday’s event we led for a retail client.
Our goal is to help people think differently and creatively about their strategic opportunities. Because of Heine, we were able to shine a light on the importance of sound when it comes to creating experiences, influencing behaviour or building loyalty.
It was really interesting to get his unique perspective and it was a great addition to the creative thinking of the day.
Thank you, Heine!”
Tamara Eberle
Founder & Partner, Traction Strategy
Vancouver, BC / Toronto, ON
“Heine has played a big role in the SonicArk project in Denmark. He has helped us communicate our vision and events, and his personal and professional contributions within sound branding and communication are outstanding!
Heine has lively, inspiring and creative ideas and he is an amazing partner to work with!”
Andres Bosshard
Sound Artist, Timbre Architect, Master Class Lecturer & Docent
Zürich, Switzerland
“We are so proud of our very own sound! We use it on par with our visual logo – the hearing is just an important branding sense as the sight!
With the new sound brand of TEDxAarhus, we will mark ourselves and our city as being important in the world.”
Nanna Inie
Lead Organizer, TEDxAarhus
Aarhus, Denmark
“Thank you, Heine Nielsen, for amazing cultural heritage mediation.”
Danish Cultural Heritage (danskkulturarv.dk)
“I have had the pleasure of working with Heine. Heine’s passion and skills within music, the music-market and innovation were excellent!”
Michael Quottrup
Executive Management Consultant
“Heine is a very skilled and consistent person who truly loves and identify with his work. He is a happy, warm and honest person who you can trust in handling operations and personal relations. Heine inspires people around him and dares to be ambitious on their behalf.”
Morten Dybdal Møller
Senior Business Manager, Telenor, Denmark & Founder, Apollon Records
“Heine’s great commitment and positive approach has certainly influenced the teaching and social environment at the school. […] Heine has a great professional surplus. He is always well prepared and he engages strongly!”
Merete Raun Poulsen
School Principal
Aarhus, Denmark